What We Do

(Thematic areas)

MESPT supports the agriculture, green energy and financial services sectors of the Kenyan economy.

Provision of wholesale sustainable credit

Provision of sustainable credit and business development to Financial Institutions & SME’s

Facilitating access to markets

for Small holder farmers, micro, small and medium enterprises through a value chain approach.

Green transformation/ Natural resource management

Promotion of efficient, clean & climate sensitive technologies & solutions

Promoting agricultural productivity & food safety

Training on good agricultural and livestock management practices and promotion of food safety (Sanitary & Phyto-sanitary Standards), plant and animal health.

Agri enterprise development

to support the establishment and growth of sustainable agri – enterprises that are conscious in integrating innovation and technology with the potential to scale within targeted value chains. -see photo attached


Why We Exist

MESPT is a development organization with a purpose to grow small holder farmers and Agri SME’s to increase productivity, income and enhance competitiveness for job creation especially for youth and women. This is achieved through capacity building which includes skills development, technical support, business advisory, financial and market linkages.  

Who We Work With

How We Facilitate Development


Billion Disbursed
end users accessing finance
farmers engaged so far
1 Billion

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